

Bombard Team A Secondary Defense in Aerial Attack Throughout Scrimmage--Many Absentees Report Again

Because of the small amount of scrimmaging and the fact that the scrubs carried the ball almost continually, yesterday afternoon's practice of the University squad proved rather dull to the spectators on the sidelines in the Stadium. Breaking up the forward pass attempts of the second string squad consumed most of the time of Coach Fisher's men.

The line was composed chiefly of players from those who started the Rhode Island game Saturday. Hill and Crosby were ends; Dunker and Eastman the tackles; Grew was at guard for the first time since his injury with Daniell on the left side of the line and Greenough remained at center. The backfield coincided with that which started the Rhode Island game: Lee quarter, Howe and Cheek, halves; and Jenkins, fullback.

Coburn was on the field in uniform for the first time since his injury. One of the University's most dependable ground gainers, he played at half on team B. Hammond was at the other half; Akers was pilot; and Robb, fullback. Kerman, who was kept out of the Rhode Island game with an injured wrist played center on team B. Cooper and Macomber were on his flanks, while R. Hubbard and Hobson were tackles. Evans and Combs were on the ends.

Three injured players were again on the field. Spalding had some signal practice on team C, which was his initial work-out for several days; Donovan was in football clothes for the first time in two weeks, although he did not play; and Littlefield was present in civilian clothes.


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