

Track, Hockey, and Football Coaches Approved--Cross-Country, Hockey, and Baseball Schedules Revised

In addition to the appointment of C. R. Hauers '23 and D. F. O'Connell '22 as assistant track coaches for the fall season, the Athletic Committee confirmed the appointment of Arthur Winsor '02 as head hockey coach at its recent meeting. The previously announced football coaching staffs were officially ratified.

Important changes in several schedules were also effected by the Athletic Committee.

The Freshman football game with the Harvard second team, scheduled for Saturday, October 27, was shifted to Friday, October 26, to avoid conflict with the University football game.

A similar change was effected for the first four meets of both the University and Freshman cross-country schedules, which in their revised form read as follows:

University Cross-Country


Friday, October 12.--Middlebury.

Friday, October 19.--Tufts.

Friday, October 26. -- Dartmouth and Maine.

Friday, November 2.--M. I. T. and Bowdoin.

Saturday, November 17. -- Princeton and Yale at New Haven.

Monday, November 26.--I. C. A. A. A. A. at New York.

Freshman Cross-Country

Friday, October 12.--Springfield Freshmen.

Friday, October 19.--Andover at Andover.

Friday, October 26.--Dartmouth Freshmen.

Friday, November 2.--M. I. T. Freshmen.

Saturday, November 17. -- Princeton and Yale Freshmen at New Haven.

Changes in soccer schedules were also approved. A game with the Boston Chinese Students' Association was added to the University schedule, while the Dartmouth game, already set for Saturday, October 27, was shifted to the preceding Friday. On the Freshman soccer schedule the game with Tabor for October 13, which was originally to have been played at Cambridge, will be shifted to Marion, while the return game on November 3 will be played in Cambridge.

Revisions of the hockey schedule are also noted. A game with Hamilton College on Wednesday, February 20, has been added to the University schedule. To the Freshman program have been added a game with Belmont High on Wednesday, January 23, and with Exeter on February 2. In addition the Dartmouth game has been shifted to Saturday, February 16, and the Yale game to Saturday, February 23.

The University baseball schedule was drafted in its final form. It is given in full below:

University Baseball

Saturday, April 5.--Boston University.

Monday, April 7.--Connecticut Agricultural College.

Southern Trip

Tuesday, April 15.--Catholic University at Washington.

Wednesday, April 16.--Annapolis at Annapolis.

Thursday, April 17.--Georgetown at Washington.

Friday, April 19.--Pennsylvania at Philadelphia.

Saturday, April 19.--Columbia at New York.

Friday, April 25.--University of Georgia at Cambridge.

Saturday, April 26.--University of Georgia.

Saturday, May 3.--Cornell.

Monday, May 5.--University of Maine.

Wednesday, May 7.--Bowdoin.

Saturday, May 10.--Dartmouth at Hanover.

Monday, May 12.--Springfield at Cambridge.

Wednesday, May 14.--Holy Cross.

Saturday, May 17.--Princeton at Princeton.

Tuesday, May 20.--Williams at Cambridge.

Thursday, May 22.--Amherst.

Saturday, May 24.--Princeton.

Friday, May 30.--Brown at Providence.

Saturday, May 31.--Brown at Cambridge.

Wednesday, June 4.--Princeton (in case of tie).

Saturday, June 7.--Holy Cross at Worcester.

Wednesday, June 11.-- Dartmouth at Cambridge.

Saturday, June 14.--Tufts at Medford.

Tuesday, June 17.--Yale at New Haven.

Wednesday, June 18.--Yale at Cambridge.

Saturday, June 21.--Yale (in case of tie).
