

Will Speak on "Some Thoughts on Public Service"--Committee to Hold Dinner at Union Before Conference

The Social Service Committee of Phillips Brooks House will hold a meeting open to all men interested in social service work at Phillips Brooks House tonight at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. J. Weston Allen '96, former District-Attorney, will be the main speaker; his subject will be, "Some Thoughts on Public Service."

Mr. E. D. Smith '13, who at one time was Social Service Secretary of the Phillips Brooks House, will discuss the indispensable value in industry of the knowledge gained through that line of work, George Owen Jr. '23, W. E. Crosby '24 and J. J. Lee '24 will speak of their experiences in the same field.

B. F. Rice-Bassett '25, chairman of the Social Service Committee, will preside and R. P. Bullard '24, Secretary of the Committee, will outline the work to be done this year.

Previous to the meeting the Committee will hold a dinner at the Union with Mr. Allen as its guest.

The work done by the Committee is principally with small boys around Harvard Square and with the many boys clubs that are run in connection with the various Cambridge churches. Those wishing to do the work are assigned to these clubs, usually two men for each club. Meetings are usually held once a week to organize athletic teams and committees and to arrange interesting recreation for the boys.
