

Turkey has at last followed the lead of other rejuvenated nations in establishing a democratic form of government. The Turkish republic, which has, indeed, been in existence for some time in temporary form, with all power centralized in a Grand National Assembly, is now spreading out into a more familiar organism--a Council of State, which is a sort of upper house, a Cabinet, and a Prime Minister.

In appearance, at least, this new Turkey is a model of modern civilized government. What the state of the country is at heart, however, is another matter. It is extremely hard for the unprejudiced observer to believe that a nation which, in the last six centuries, has weilded the knife indiscriminately and driven hordes of conquered people to death by exile is now entirely prepared for the privilege of the franchise. With such a past one does not associate the fundamental sense of ethics which use of the ballot requires. These children of Islam have a bad heritage upon which to fall back. They must now learn to submit to the will of the majority, and to tolerate the opinions of minorities of a different religion.

Whether the citizens of this new state will appreciate these minor but essential points remains for the future to disclose. If they prove equal to their opportunity, it may at last be possible for other nations to live with Turkey.
