

"Rowing for All" Policy made Reality for Light-weight Candidates -- 12 Crews Start Work for Oct. 18 Race

With a cut of the University rowing squad from four to three crews impending as the week-end approaches the interesting fact is presented by Coach Stevens that these crews will face three of Coach Newell's 150-pound crews on November 3 in a regatta that will wind up the fall rowing session on the Charles.

With this regatta as the present goal, from ten to twelve 150-pound crews will go on the water this afternoon in three shifts at 3.15, 4, and 5 o'clock. These crews have been arranged as nearly as possible to make them all of equal strength. These same crews with few changes will hold an intra-150-pound regatta, in heats if necessary, on Thursday and Friday, October 18 and 19. This will be held over a quarter mile course since the men have had such a short while to get into condition. As a result of these races Coach Newell will select a squad of three light weight crews which will meet the University squad several weeks later. At present Coach Newell is handicapped by lack of enough coxes but it is expected that more will report today.

The Red, White and Blue Freshman crews, which have been rowing in Lap-streak Barges for the past few days, will use shells for the first time today. They have been definitely ranked, the Red and White crews heading the list, with the Blue crew acting as a boat of substitutes. Coach Shaw is searching high and low for heavy first year material. It is a surprising truth that he has only one man in his first three crews weighing over 175 and one more over 170 pounds,--all the rest weighing 165 pounds or less. In fact, of the 100 inexperienced Freshmen, 70 weigh less than 155 pounds. This situation, however, is not as acute as the facts seem to imply, for the heavier candidates are in all probability out for football at present, and will not report for crew till winter or spring.
