

Student Volunteers Will Assemble in Indianapolis--7,000 Attended the Last Meeting in Des Moines

The ninth International Convention of the Student Volunteers for Foreign Missions will be held on December 28, 1923. The purpose of this convention, wherein are represented many of the colleges of the world; is to emphasize the solidarity of mankind and the interdependence of all nations and races.

The conventions of this movement have been held once every four years for the past 32 years. The first convention at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1801 was attended by 680 delegates, representing 51 institutions. The most recent convention, held at Des Moines, Iowa, in 1920, had nearly 7,000 delegates from 949 schools and colleges throughout the world.

This year, the conference will be held at the Cadle Tabernacle in Indianapolis, Indiana. Harvard will be represented by 25 delegates,--the maximum number of delegates allowed to any one institution.

The leading features of the convention which will last for four days will be addresses by prominent leaders of the Christian movement, discussion groups and forums, group meetings and conferences with the leaders. In all these meetings it will be the salient aim to create an atmosphere of world brotherhood among all the members of the convention.

Members of the University who are interested in attending this conference may obtain further information as to program and expenses from Mr. W. I. Tibbetts '17 at Phillips Brooks House.
