The University crew squad suffered the final shake-up of the fall rowing season yesterday when Coach Stevens placed, in the line-ups of Crews B and C, several men who had been rowing in the class eights until these boats finished their season last week.
Moonfield Storey '26, who started the season at number 5 on what was called Crew A and lately rowed on the Sophomore crew has been brought up to the University squad and placed in the same seat in Crew B. C. L. Dane '26 has been promoted from the class-squad to a berth in the bow of Crew C. W. E. Stillwell '25, the third class crew man to be raised to the University squad, has not been assigned to a regular seat in one of the three boats as yet.
The seating order of the boats as announced by Coach Stevens last night will be kept for the remainder of the fall season with several possible changes. D. C. Gates '26, who is out on account of sickness, will probably take his old seat at 5 on Crew C. S. B. Kelley '25 will row bow on the first eight when Coach Stevens leaves that boat. At present Kelley is rowing with a light-weight combination.
The coach will stroke Crew A this week as he has been doing for some time past, having Coaches Newell and Shaw direct the work from the launch. This regular rowing will continue until after the Princeton game, when the work will consist largely of rowing in four-oared crews as long as the weather permits. Coach Stevens lays considerable stress upon development of the individual and has done a great deal of work with the men in pair-oared shells and will continue this personal instruction in the four oared boats.
The practice yesterday was marked throughout by short spurts and races among the three University crews and several class eights. The boats had a long workout, rowing to the end of the Charles River Basin. Tonight the second and last meeting for coaches, coxes and managers will be held at the Varsity Club at 7 o'clock. These meetings are largely to develop cooperation between the three branches of what might be called the crew executives.
The line-up of the crews follow:
Crew A-Bow, Hoover; 2, Cassedy; 3, Mumford; 4, Johnson; 5, Raymond; 6, Henry; 7, Storey, R; stroke, Stevens; cox., Burnham.
Crew B- Bow, Boyden; 2, Milde; 3, Hollister; 4, Reber; 5, Storey, M; 6, Bohlen; 7, Eliot; stroke, Brown; cox., Carson.
Crew C-Bow, Dane; 2, Iselin; 3, Darlington; 4, Weymer; 5, Rice-Bassett; 6, Winthrop; 7, Krumbhaar; stroke, Canning; cox., Beer.
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