

Defeats Gore When Paulsen Captures First Position in 140-yard Hurdle Event--Final Count is 29-28-6

In the running events of the fall interdormitory track meet held on the Freshman track yesterday afternoon the Smith team broke its tie with Gore in the final event and won by the slim margin of one point, 29 to 28, while Standish lagged behind with but six points.

Throughout the meet, Gore and Smith struggled hard for the ascendency, but when the last event began, the score stood 24 to 24 for the two teams. Then in the last event,--the 140-yards low hurdles,--Paulsen, the former Hill School track captain, streaked ahead of his two Gore Hall rivals to break the tape with a time of 17.1 and make the score of the meet 29 to 28 in favor of Smith.

Of the other performances of the meet those of Magoun in the 4.40 and Stackpole in the 880 were the most creditable.

The field events, which were omitted yesterday will be run off soon after the end of the Freshman football season and the results of the two meets will be taken to determine the winning team in the fall interdormitory track season.

The summary of the meet:


100-yard dash: won by Secrist (Smith); second, Eton (Gore); third, Dorn (Gore). Time 10 4-5s.

220-yard dash: won by Eton (Gore); second, Secrist (Smith); third, Ilsley (Gore). Time 23 4-5s.

440-yard dash: won by Magoun (Smith); second, Raymond, (Gore); third, Maluk, (Gore). Time 56 2-5s.

880-yard run: won by Stackpole, (Smith; second, Slade (Standish); third, Fitsgerald, (Smith). Time, 2m. 14s.

Mile run: won by Jacobs (Gore); second, Smyth, (Standish); third, Swede, (Smith). Time 4m. 55s.

75-yard high hurdles: won by Paulsen (Smith); second, McAdams (Smith); third, Weinstein, (Gore). Time 10 4-5s.

140-yard high hurdles: won by Paulsen (Smith); second, McAdams, (Gore); third, Weinstein, (Gore). Time 17 1-5s.

Final Score, Smith 29, Gore 28, Standish 6.
