The Department of Physical Education announced yesterday the personnel of the staff which will direct the activities of the Freshmen exercise groups in prescribed physical training this fall.
S. B. Chase 3L will coach handball, sections 2, 3 and 4, this fall and next spring. During the winter he will direct the interdormitory and Freshmen basketball teams. The handball will temporarily be played at Hemenway Gymnasium.
R. S. Sughrue 2L will teach swimming to small groups of Freshmen who cannot swim, on Mondays and Wednesdays.
B. H. Dunbar '25 will hold special squash sessions at 11 and 12 o'clock. For the present Freshman squash will be played in the University squash courts building but in about two weeks the courts in the Freshman Gymnasium will be ready for use.
The 5 o'clock gym class is being conducted this year by H. K. Walker 1G. E. at Hemenway Gymnasium.
J. S. Danguy will coach both the University and Freshman fencing teams in two squads at 2 and 3 o'clock.
Tennis will be directed by Coach H. C. Cowies and Wm H. Sayre 21, at Soldiers Field. Crew will be under the general charge of Dean Delmar Leighton 19 with Coach Bert Haines coaching the dormitory crews and Coach Ed. Wachter single scullers.
The other major and minor sports will be in the hands of the team coaches of those sports.
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