According to a telegram received at the Union, Mr. Pedro Guevara, lately from the Philippines, has definitely accepted an invitation to speak at the Union on Thursday evening, November 8. Mr. Guevara; who will be able to give Union members first hand information no the situation in the Philippines, was expected to speak at the Union a week ago last Friday, October 19, but on account of continued disorders in the oriental dependencies, he was forced to return to Washington.
Mr. Guevara is the Washington representative of the popular party of the Filippino assembly and next to Manuel Quegon is the foremost leader in his party. His party's friction with the Wood administration, which developed into an open breach nearly a month ago, has not lessened, but daily becomes rather more pronounced and more determined. As a result of winning for its candidate the senatorship of the district which contains Manila, the most important senatorial office in the Philippines, Guevara's party feels that it has the Philippines behind it in its policy of opposition to General Wood.
Mr. Guevara is an ardent supporter of independence for the Philippines, desiring to place the islands in the same political position that Cuba occupies today. His address will be the first concerning the Philippines to be given at the Union in some years.
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