Determined to break its losing streak in early season games, the Crimson soccer team will face another powerful adversary on Soldiers Field this afternoon in the inexperienced but tricky Dartmouth eleven. The Hanoverians won from the University 2-1 last year, and although defeated 3-0 by Princeton this year, they were successful in their first game of the season against Swarthmore.
The game last year was very closely fought, the absence of Lamont and Eldridge from the Crimson forward line and the Green's superiority at dribbling, turning the tide. Tomorrow, with the entire team in playing condition, Coach Welch's men will probably give a much better account of themselves.
The Dartmouth eleven, except for Captain Hecht, Dewing, and Weeks, is made up of untried players. Hecht is easily the outstanding player, while Thayer has also performed creditably, especially in the Princeton game.
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