

Some Klansmen Seeking to Reorganize in University--College Rulings an Obstacle--Evasion Likely

Investigations carried on within the past few days to attempt to discover the exact status of the Klan at Harvard have disclosed certain facts, including the chapter with which Harvard Klansmen have been affiliated.

The first local chapter to have attracted a body of University men was the Cambridge, or number one chapter of the Metropolitan District. This chapter holds meetings every two weeks, and it was at one of the bi-monthly gatherings that most Harvard aspirants were "naturalized" over a year ago. Of greatest interest during the period of affiliation with the Cambridge chapter was, according to information received from a Harvard Klansman, a meeting held on October 3, 1922 addressed by William James Mahoney, Imperial Klokard. For some reason, however, the Cambridge branch failed to appeal, and by the spring the Harvard members transferred to the Brookline chapter--number two of the metropolitan district. The reason for the break in Cambridge was, according to the separate statements of three Harvard members due to the fact that the control in Cambridge passed to "low-brows." The Brookline Klansmen were sufficiently intellectual, but investigation has disclosed that this very intellectuality has militated against action, and the Brookline Klan had practically disbanded by the fall.

In spite of the break in the Cambridge chapter and the inactivity of the Brookline organization, Harvard Klansmen are still affiliated with local organizations. Speaking yesterday in the office of Telfair Minton, ex-head of the Cambridge chapter of the Klan, a self-styled Harvard graduate who refused to allow his name to be used stated that Monday night a meeting had been held in Boston, attended, on his statement by 300 "Harvard men". "Mayor Curley said he could stop it," he declared, "and the newspapers said nothing about it, but the meeting was held and it was the most successful of the year."

The present affiliation with metropolitan chapters is, however, according to the statement of a Harvard Klansman, merely temporary and attempts are being made by some of the Harvard members to reorganize. Unfortunately for the success of their attempts it is unlikely that any distinct Harvard Klan can be given official and regular sanction by the officers of the national organization, for it is against their policy to approve distinct college chapters. Moreover the national officers, as well as some of the Harvard Klansmen, seem to fear the application of the University's rules against secret societies. Parietal Regulation number 31 declares that "every society of students shall give the Regent, at his request, a complete list of its officers and members" and the statutes of Harvard University declare that the Regent "is also expected to inform himself fully about all students' societies and clubs, and to enforce the responsibility of the officers and members thereof for their proceedings." Nevertheless a graduate Klansman declared yesterday that the more eager spirits at Harvard contemplated a form of organization which would evade the technicalities of these rulings by holding its meetings outside the University
