(The CRIMSON invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility however for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)
To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
Many, doors around Harvard Square were locked with extra care last night and many tired students found sleep did not come as serenely as usual. There were many who were openly scoffers, asking jocularly "Wonder when the Crime will start printing on yellow paper?" but when night came with all the terrors of darkness, these same ones, anxiously tested the strength of their rope fire-escapes. And this is not strange, considering the scare headlines in yesterday's CRIMSON, for the prospect of being thrown from a curtained taxi-cab into the Waldrof after being treated with tar and feathers is far from pleasant.
But fortunately this terror has been shortlived, for tonight's Transcript, in its leading news item, has revealed a very important fact which the CRIMSON reporter missed. The Transcript has found what the purpose of the Harvard Klan really is. Their program is not one of tar and feathers, neither are whipping parties for the assistant deans contemplated. "The main object of the Klan at Harvard is to institute compulsory chapel." This article has brought a vast amount of relief to Cambridge, for terrible as the prospect of compulsory chapel may be, yet it is mild compared with those things which we usually associate with the Ku Klux Klan. Yesterday's rush of people to the Coop's timetable rack will be replaced by a steady stream, larger as the Klan gains power, of customers buying alarm clocks.
I am writing this, not to suggest that the Harvard Klan is probably subsidized by the Board of Preachers, but only to request that the CRIMSON be more careful how it alarms its readers needlessly. The Transcript's expose has shown us that the Klan is far from being a menace, for the membership of a student organization for establishing compulsory chapel is not liable to be so great as to intimidate the faculty. It was a terrible night, but now we can settle down to peace once more, at least until the CRIMSON'S headline artist breaks out again. GEORGE B. BURCH 1G
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