

To Drop Trip to St. Paul's School but Matches Will Probably be Played With New York Clubs

The fall season of tennis will practically close tonight and be forced out of the lime light by the opening of the Squash season this evening with a meeting in the University Squash Racquets building on Linden Street at 6 o'clock.

All candidates for the team, whether they intend to take up squash immediately or not, are expected to report. Coach Cowles, who will address the men, will immediately get a line on team possibilities. W. P. Dixon '25, captain of the team, will also speak.

Plan Innovations In Schedule

The squash season promises to be a busy one. On November 5, the fall tournament, which is open to all members of the University, begins, and the results of the tournament will decide who will constitute the University team. In the first week of December, the tournament held under the auspices of the Massachusetts State Squash Racquets Association, will begin on the University courts. This tournament will continue until the latter part of January.

The annual trip to St. Paul's school in New Hampshire will not be taken this year, but in its place will probably be a trip to New York City. There the team will meet the University Club and the Racquet Club. Other events, including the visit of an English team to Boston promise a lively season.


Freshman Season Opens Monday

The Freshman season opens next Monday with a meeting in the Freshman gymnasium: The yearlings are welcome to compete in the University tournament, according to Manager Harry Eldridge '24, but should not on that account slight the '27 tournament which will be held at a later date. From the results of the '27 tournament, Coach Cowles expects to select the Freshman team.
