

Visitors Capture Eearly Lead to Win by 2-1--University's Final Rally in Second Period Checked

An unexpectedly powerful eleven from Springfield gave the Crimson soccer team its second defeat of the Season on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon. Jumping into a lead of 2-0 early in the first half, the visitors resisted the Crimson's second period center-attack with a brilliant display of defensive playing, to win by 2-1. The University's offense, however, still lacked power despite Lamont's return to the forward line.

Springfield, which was defeated 3-0 in last year's game, started out after revenge with a rush Forcing the play into Crimson territory from the start the speedy Springfield forwards gained a big advantage in the first 15 minutes of play, Ko, at inside right, took a pass from McKillop four minutes after the whistle, and shot the ball past Fitton for the first score. Still on the offense, and giving the University no breathing spell, the visitors rushed the ball forward again and again until Mazeski on the left wing slipped the ball under the bar again for a 2-0 lead.

'Crimson Checks Opponents' Attack

For the rest of the period the University managed to hold the play on an evener basis, breaking up the visitors' fast passing game, and showing a marked improvement in covering their elusive forwards.

In the second period a determined counter-offensive was launched by the Crimson, which bore fruit in a rushed goal from Eldridge's corner kick in the middle of the period. But there the attack was checked. The play was fast and furious in the closing minutes, and Lamont missed several attempts at the goal by the narrowest of margins, but the stellar backfield work of the Spring-field eleven, especially of Captain Adams at left fullback, prevented a tie.


The line-up was as follows: HARVARD  SPRINGFIELD Fitton, g.  g., Shafer Furber, r.f.b.  r.f.b., Granger Greenidge (Capt), l.f.b.  l.f.b., Adams (Capt.) Drew-Baer, r.h.b  r.h.b., Heidloff Brooks, c.h.b.  c.h.b., White Pattison l.h.b.  l.h.b., Morgen Gray, o.r.f.  o.r.f., McKillop Tuttle, i.r.f.  i.r.f., Kc Dorman, c.f.  c.f., Turg Lamont, i.l.f.  i.l.f., Fowler Eldridge, o.l.f.  o.l.f., Mazeski

Goals, Ko, Mazeski, Greenidge. Scrimmage, Harvard. Time, two 35-minute periods. Referee, Gibson.
