

Graduate Schools Society Planning Series of Sunday Talks by Prominent Men Connected With University

All University graduates have the opportunity of hearing President-emeritus Charles W. Eliot '53 speak tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in Paine Hall of the Music Building. This is the first of a series of four lectures to be given on successive Sunday afternoons under the auspices of the Graduate Schools Society of the Phillips Brooks House Association.

"Toleration and Unity in Religion Would Promote Peace Among Nations" is the subject which President Eliot will discuss. In a letter to W. A. Shimer 2G., secretary of the Society, President Eliot said that he would probably discuss somewhat the history of religion at the University. The remainder of the program consists of a few baritone solos by M. L. Brown '25 of the University Glee Club, who will be accompanied by C. T. Leonard 1G. E. D. Hutchinson 1G., chairman of the executive committee of the Society will preside.

Society Plans Three Other Meetings

The three other Sunday afternoon addresses will not be held in the Music Building but in the Parlor of the Phillips Brooks House. The time will be the same, however, 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

On October 28 Dr. Richard C. Cabot '89, professor of clinical medicine and social ethics, at the University, will speak on "The Evolution of the Art of Healing". He is the author of "Social Service and the Art of Healing" and of "What Men Live By," two of the most prominent of his many books.


"Liberalism" is the subject chosen by Professor-emeritus George Herbert Palmer '64, when he addresses the organization on Sunday, November 4. Professor Palmer was formerly of the English Department and is the author of "The Life of Alice Freeman Palmer", "The Problem of Freedom", "Self Cultivation in English", and other books.

Professor Peabody May Speak

The speaker for the meeting on November 11 is still undecided, but Professor-emeritus Francis Greenwood Peabody '69, author of "The Religion of an Educated Man", has been invited to give the address.

There will be musical numbers on the program each Sunday.

The Graduate Schools Society conducts discussion groups and social functions. It is the one organization aimed to bring together the members of the different graduate schools.
