

Management Decides to Renew Practice of Printing Home Addresses of Undergraduates in Special Section

November 25 is the date which subscribers may expect to receive this year's edition of the University Register, which will be larger in size and scope than the publication of last year.

The Register returns to the policy of giving in its directory the home addresses. This will necessitate a separate directory for the graduate schools.

The printing of cuts of the club ties and hatbands, an innovation of last year, will be continued, while the number of half-tone pages, depicting scenes of University life, which numbered eight last year, will be doubled in this year's book.

Will Print Big Three Agreement

The Athletic Agreement of the Big Three will be found in the volume for the first time. As in the past the activities of the undergraduates will be listed after their name and the usual map of Cambridge with the University Buildings and clubs will be retained.


To fulfill its aim of representing every activity and organization of the University in the book, the editors are anxious that all such organizations, not represented in previous publications, send to Randolph 46 such information as they wish printed. Names of members and officers in such organizations should include college and university classifications.

Competitions Begin Tomorrow

Tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock in Randolph 46 competitions for the business and editorial departments will begin and are open to all members of the Freshman and Sophomore classes. This competition will run approximately eight weeks or until the Register is ready for delivery: The work in the competition will be explained at the meeting by the editorial and business managers.

The price of the Register this year will be as formerly at two dollars.
