

Evans Returns to Old Position at Tackle--Robb Reports to End Coaches--Five Men Dropped

The dropping of four men from the University football squad and the shifting of several of the remaining members into new positions gave definite proof of the shake up in the football squad which many prophesied after the University's ineffectual showing against the Middlebury team last Saturday. Chief in the shifts made by Coach Fisher in the Stadium lineups yesterday was the transfer of Earl Evans '24 from the end of the line to his old station at tackle. Another change came when L. L. Robb '25 was shifted from the quarterback squad and told to report to the end coaches. Still further rearrangements in the lineup are expected after the next few days of strenuous practice. For although yesterday's practice was comparatively light, it is certain that all the remaining 44 members of the squad will be put through two days of intense and searching work today and tomorrow before the final lineup that is to face Holy Cross on Saturday is finally selected.

Practice yesterday, however was the lull that precedes the storm. The workout was brief and the only work was in kicking and signal practice. Not even dummy scrimmage was atempted, although both team A and team B lined up to run through signals. The reorganizated lineups of these two teams was as follows:

Team A: Ends, Hill and Gordon, tackles, Dunker and Eastman, guards, Hubbard and Grew, center, Greenough, quarterback, Lee, backs, Cheek, Howe, and Jenkins.

Team B: Ends, Crosby and Combs, tackles, Evans and Theopold, guards, Daniell and C. E. Bradford, center, Kernan, quarterback, Spalding, backs, Cordingly, Samborski, and Pfaffmann.

In spite of the serious nature of the game last Saturday, injuries will interfere but little with the fighting strength of the squad during the week. Xray photographs have proved that Hill's injuries are not as severe as had been originally feared. McGlone is also improving rapidly and may be ready for action by Saturday. Although Hobson, Akers, and Hammond were all out of the lineup yesterday, it is understood that their injuries are not of a serious nature. The only two severe casualties are Merrill and Pantaleoni, both of whom are now at the Stillman Infirmary.
