The opening matches of the Union Tennis Tournament will be played this afternoon at 1.30 o'clock on the Jarvis Field Courts. Coach H. C. Cowles has seeded the following men in order to make the more interesting matches come in the latter rounds of the tournament: 1. Whitbeck; 2. Bondi; 3. Stralem; 4. Harrington; 5. Cummings; 6. Perkins; 7. Debevoise; 8. Martin. Ninety seven men are entered in the singles. The doubles will not start until Wednesday, October 17. All matches will be two out of three sets except the finals which will be three out of five sets. Players must supply all balls in the ear- lier rounds but those reaching the semi finals and finals will be supplied, with balls by the Union. The usual time limit wait of 20 minutes for an opponent will be allowed, after which the match will be defaulted. To avoid such mistakes all men who are entered and have conflicts with the time assigned them, may sign on the Union Bulletin Board this morning, stating the reason for not being able to play at the assigned time.
The drawings are now posted at the Union and the schedule of matches to be played today follows:
At 1.30-Pinkham vs. Bell, Tarplin vs. Manning, Russell vs. Woodward, Salter vs. Reynolds, Sears vs. Noyes, A. Wood vs. Houghton; Raines vs. Merian, Odden vs. Yap, Glessner vs. Field, Boone vs. McGill.
At 2.30-Casson vs. Beebe-Center, Wakefield vs. McCarthy, Bandler vs. Stephen, Upjohn vs. Hamlen, Carpenter vs. Hazard, Morris vs. Craig, R. H. Straus vs. Hopkins.
At 3.30-Cutler vs. Webster, Monte mayor vs. Huntington, Richimeyer vs. Wyman, C. W. Johnson vs. Rounds, Walz vs. Fetter, Hubard vs. Allen, Guld vs. F. W. Straus, Schwarts vs. Kunitz.
At 4.00-Peisok vs. Weiskopt, Shapiro vs. Forester, Solomon vs. Gould
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