

Suggestions as to its Use Are Made for The Benefit of University Students--Rooms for Reference Enumerated

To facilitate use of the Widener Library by Students in the College and the graduate schools of the University, and to promote efficiency in the use of the Library the following suggestions are made: The Library is open week days from 8.45 o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock at night. The Delivery Department is open from 9 in the morning until 5.30 o'clock in the afternoon. On holidays the Delivery Desk is closed, but the reading room is open as usual, except on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day, when the whole Library is closed. On Sundays the General Reading Room is open from 1 until 10 o'clock.

Students newly enrolled in the University may register at the Delivery Desk on the Second Floor, by showing their Bursar's card. By registering a student secures the right to borrow books. Five books may be taken at a time for use in the Reading Room, but not more than three may be taken away for out-side use.

In order to obtain books the borrower may look up in the Card Catalogue the book which he wants, to ascertain the call-number or shelf number. He then makes out a slip for each book wanted upon blank supplied at the desk for that purpose.

Books may ordinarily be kept out of the Library for a month, but certain new books in more constant demand may only be kept for shorter specified times.

Those who return books late incur a fine of five cents a day over time. If students are continually negligent in returning books or paying fines the matter will be brought to the attention of University officials.


To find a book in the Card Catalogue, the student looks in the files under name of the author or if it is not known under the subject heading or the first word of the title. Anonymous books are entered usually under the first word of the title.

If there is difficulty in using the catalogue, Mr. Briggs the Assistant Librarian or one of the assistants at the Delivery Desk may be called upon for help. There is a separate catalogue of the books which are reserved in the Reading Room at the Reading Room Desk. A list of the call numbers of the most used periodicals is posted in the Delivery Room and also in the Reading Room.

There are several rooms and collections in the Library with which the average student is little acquainted and which he rarely uses. An excellent collection of United States and British documents is to be found in the stack next to the Periodical Room on the second floor and is available to all students. The Bibliographical Reference Room opens out of the Delivery Room on the side opposite the General Reading Room and contains bibliographies, indexes to newspapers and periodicals, and catalogues of other libraries, especially lists of special classes of books and reference lists.

However, many of the special libraries connected with the College Library are found in the Laboratories or other departmental buildings. On the top floor of Widener Library are the Sanscrit Library in Room A, the Classical Library in Room E, that of the Graduate School of Business Administration in Rooms F. G. H. and I, the Graduate Historical Library in Room K, The Bureau of Municipal Research Room O, The German Library Room Q, the Mathematics Library in Room T, the Economics Library in Room U, The French Library in Room W, the Lowell Memorial Library (Romance Languages) Room X and the Child Memorial Library of English in Room Z. The Winsor Memorial Rooms containing the Map Collection are L and M. In In Rooms R and S is the great collection of theatrical literature and other material given by Mr. Robert Gould Shaw '69 of Boston.

The Widener Memorial Rooms opening from the landing of the main stairway contains the library collection of Harry Elkins Widener '07. The collection is composed of books of great value and interest.

On the first floor is the Treasure Room in which rare books and manuscripts are kept and the Farnsworth Room containing a miscellaneous collection of books for general reading.

The book stacks are open to all members of the University upon presenting recommendations from their instructors. stating the reason for granting the privilege
