Gaps in the ranks of the University cross country team did not keep it from taking the first four places from Middlebury yesterday afternoon, and winning by a score of 17 to 38.
In spite of the fact that Captain A. L. Coburn '24, B. S. Pray '25, and L. B. R. Barker '26, all veterans of last year, were unable to run, and that L. W. Ryan '26 and F. P. Kane '26 were both forced to drop out during the race, the remaining University runners pressed up and atoned for these vacancies.
From the start, B. R. Cutcheon '25, took the lead of the field of 14, with W. L. Chapin '25 close at his heels. Throughout the race they kept close together, and over the Belmont golf course they swung along shoulder to shoulder, with Ryan running in third place. This order continued until about a mile from the finish, when Ryan fell and was forced to drop out of the race. Then Cutcheon lengthened out, and came in at the finish 50 yards ahead of Chapin with a time of 34:25, which compares favorably with other early season times in the past. Several seconds after Chapin, H. R. Kobes of last year's Freshman team raced in, followed half a minute later by W. C. Harrison '25 running his first cross country race.
Harvard vs Middlebury: B. R. Cutcheon '25 (H), W. L. Chapin '25 (H), H. R. Kobes '26 (H), W. C. Harrison '26 (H), R. Cook (M), J. Hancock (M), E. B. Boyce '26 (H), M. Lathrop (M), E. Fish (M), L. Kelley (M), Time: 34 minutes, 25 seconds. Distance 5 1-2 miles.
In the Freshman race with the Springfield Freshmen over the three mile Freshman course, the Freshmen were defeated by the slim margin of 26 to 31. Two Springfield men, Jackson and Donnell were the first to place with a winning time of 17:6; then Swede and Smyth, a part of Harvard runners finished. The remaining runners crossed the finish tape in rapid succession as is indicated below in the summary:
Harvard Freshmen vs Springfield Freshmen: Jackson (S), Donnell (S), Swede (H), Smyth (H), McCabe (S), Cue (S), Shaw (H), Gordon (H), Teele (H), Dowling (H), Hewitt (H), Lane (S), Jonah (S), Wilson (S), Time: 17 minutes, 6 seconds. Distance: 3 1-4 miles.
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