The 1927 football team 'makes its de-but today against a strong opponent and away from its home field. No better opportunity has yet occurred for the members of that class to demonstrate their loyalty and enthusiasm; for while their support would be undeniably helpful in the stadium, it will be ten times as necessary at Andover, and every freshman who foregoes the University game and follows his own team adds substantially to its chances of success.
And with regard to the Freshman teams, it may be said that they are often a great comfort in times of trouble and no worry at all in times of good fortune. If one can say--"Ah, but our freshmen"-- with a rising inflection, the gloom of varsity defeats can be somewhat dispelled. And if the University emerges triumphant, the misfortune of the Freshmen can be easily dismissed with a shrug--"Ah, the freshmen--." As anyone can see, this is a great advantage.
The freshmen should not deduce from this, however, that their victories are not required while the University teams are successful. Rather should they know that the upperclassman feels a really supreme, solid contentment only when the deeds of the freshmen emulate the powers of the varsity or even exceed it. Without disputing that profound statement about the child being father to the man, one might safely advance the theory that the freshmen team is father to the varsity strange as that sounds and while exceptions have been noted, consistently, good freshmen teams usually guarantee consistently good varsity teams.
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