An egg rebellion has broken out in Smith Hall. After two long weeks of breakfast at which boiled eggs have alternated with boiled eggs on the daily menu, the Freshmen in that dormitory have risen in wrath. During luncheon yesterday some doughty leader of the crusade tacked on the bulletin board at the door of the dining hall a piece of theme paper with the following legend. "We, the undersigned, desire some other main dish for breakfast than eggs."
Before the end of lunch 75 indignant signatures had appeared. Another sheet of theme paper was added, and twenty more signatures went in during the afternoon. Then two more men signed their names and all further signing ceased. Those two men were procters and under their names was written. "According to the college regulations no notice may be posted without the approval of the head proctor or the college janitor".
The crusaders however are not vanquished by this first rebuff. They declare that they will continue their fight against the breakfast egg and that before another week they expect to be rewarded with ash or hash for breakfast.
Men from Gore and Standish, it was learned, are continuing to eat their eggs in oilense.
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