

Intends to Penalize Applicants if Seats Given Out for Their Personal Use are Occupied by Their Families

That many graduates of Harvard College and the Engineering School will receive but one ticket for the Harvard-Yale football game on November 24 was the most important announcement made on Saturday by Major F. W. Moore '93 in his report on H. A. A., season, and other football tickets for the coming season.

He further stated that members and ex-members of the graduate and professional schools of the University would not be allotted more than one ticket for the Yale game. Undergraduates, however, will still be allowed two tickets.

Major Moore report is given in full below:

There are now on sale at the Athletic Association the so-called H. A. A. tickets for five dollars each, which are sold only to present members of the University, and admit the owner only to all athletic events of the Association on Soldiers Field during the year, except games with Yale and Princeton, and the football game with Dartmouth. They also entitle the owner to an allowance of one dollar on his locker at the Weld or Newell Boat Club. These tickets are not transferable and the penalty for transferring is blacklisting. Only one H. A. A, ticket will be sold to any one member of the University.

"Season tickets are on sale at five dollars to both members and former members of the University. These tickets admit to reserved sections at all home football games except those with Dartmouth and Yale. They are transferable, and any Harvard man may buy a reasonable number for non-Harvard friends. The original purchaser will however, be held accountable for the proper use of the tickets.


Application Blanks Already Out

"Application blanks for the Dartmouth, Tufts, Princeton, Brown, and Yale games have been sent to all graduates eligible to apply, whose signature cards are on file, but all members of the University not graduates who wish to apply for tickets for these games must do so in person, by filling out blanks at the office of the Association, and must call for their tickets after the allotment, some time during the week of the game to which the tickets admit.

"This year an exception has been made to the above rule for the convenience of present members of the professional and graduate schools which are located outside of Cambridge. Such men, if they have applied for tickets before and have signature cards on file, may apply by mail. Blanks will be sent on written request. Men in these schools who have no signature cards on file must file such cards in person before blanks can be sent, Yale, Princeton, and Dartmouth men attending any of the Harvard schools must apply to their own college managements for the games with their institutions.

"Dartmouth applications close at 6 o'clock Friday, October 12; Tufts, Monday, October 22; Princeton, Wednesday, October 24; Brown, Monday, November 5; Yale, Thursday, November 1.

"For the Yale game no application can be considered unless one of the seats applied for is for the personal occupancy of the applicant. If the applicant finds he cannot personality attend the game, he must, in accordance with his agreement on the blank, return all seats allotted to him. This applies even though the seats are for the members of the applicant's family. The penalty for a violation of this agreement is blacklisting. In the interest of undergraduates and graduates who are entitled to two seats if available, the Association will use every effort to discover and punish such violations.

Must Use Own Yale Seats

"For the Yale game it will not be possible to consider applications for more than one seat each from members and ex-members of the graduate or professional schools or members of the faculties of these schools. Undergraduates of the College and members of the Engineering School who are not college graduates, also members of the faculties and graduates of these departments, may apply for two seats, but it is probable that some of the graduates can be allotted but one. In this case the one seat allotted will be in the two-seat group, and cannot be located with the original applicants for one seat.

Four Each for Green and Tiger

"For the Princeton and Dartmouth games the limit on the application will be four to each applicant, and the seats need not be for personal use, but those applicants who apply for tickets for personal use will be preferred. For the Tufts and Brown games there will be no limit as to number or personal use, but preference will be given to those who apply for personal use and for lesser numbers. So far as possible the allotment to both undergraduates and graduates for the Yale, Princeton, and Dartmouth games will be by classes.

"For all games several applicants who wish their tickets allotted together may have this done by filing their applications together, but applications cannot be put together after they are once filed separately.
