

First Meeting to be Held in Two or Three Weeks--Will Make Report to Athletic Committee by April 1

The Committee on the Regulation of Atletic Sports in the University has announced the appointment of a committee of seven, made up of six graduates of the University and one undergraduate, for the purpose of investigating the distribution of tickets for the football games with Yale in the Stadium.

The personnel of this body follows: Sidney Curtis '05, of Boston, secretary of the Ticket Committee for four years after the present rules went into effect; Sheridan Logan; 23, of St. Joseph, Mo., manager of the University crew; Langdon P. Marvin '98, of New York City, President of the Associated Harvard Clubs; J. D. Merrill '89, editor of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin; Major F. W. Moore '93, graduate treasurer of the Harvard Athletic Association; J. W. Prentiss '98, of New York City, permanent treasurer of the Endowment Fund; and H. S. Thompson '99, of Concord, former graduate manager of the H. A. A.

In a series of meetings throughout the winter, this committee will review the rules for ticket distribution in force at present, noting the weak points and making recommendations for the changes that seem necessary.

The first meeting of the new body will probably be held within two or three weeks, and it will report back the results of its investigation to the Athletic Committee by April 1. After the new rules for the distribution of tickets are decided upon, it is expected that a conference will be held with the Yale athletic authorities in regard to ticket distribution, both in the Stadium and in the Bowl.
