Disclosing a remarkable attack and an alert defence, the Tilton Seminary basketball team defeated the 1926 team by the score of 23-22 Saturday afternoon at the Freshman Athletic Building. At first the fast three-man attack of the New Hampshire team was checked by the Freshman five-man defence, but soon Smith, the Tilton center, and Simpson, forward, piled up 16 points in a series of long shots. Four of Smith's goals were made from the center of the floor. Unprotected passing and inaccurate shots at the basket kept the Freshman score for the first half down to 10 points. Four of these were fouls by Elberfeld.
In the second half better guarding and the fast work of Jones and Simpson held the Tilton team to only seven more points, while the Crimson gained steadily on their opponents. W. T. Smith netted two more baskets, Endicott gained one, Elberfeld shot two more fouls, and just before the whistle blew Combs, substituting for Atwater, made a spectacular shot, bringing the Freshman total up to 22. Score, Tilton 23, Harvard 1926 22. Goals from floor, L. C. Smith 6, Simpson 5. W. T. Smith 4, Jones, Endicott, Elberfeld, Combs. Baskets after fouls, Elberfeld 6, Simpson. Referee, W. F. Cody. Timekeeper, E. L. Hunt '25.
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