Two competitions open to all members of the Class of 1923 have been announced by the Senior Album Committee. The first of these is for the book plate of the Album, which should contain in some part of the design the class numerals. The other is for the incidental verse which is distributed throughout the volume. This should be similar in form and substance to that used in years past. No "free verse" will be acceptable.
Regulations for Drawings
The drawings for the book plate should be made with India ink on white paper, and should be at least five by seven inches. Information as to type of subjects for both competitions may be obtained by inspection of last year's book, but further details on form and substance can be readily had by communicating with the Committee at the Crimson Building. The winner of each competition will receive a free album.
Should Fill Out Blanks
Life and subscription blanks for the Album should be filled out immediately, and returned to the Committee at the Crimson Building. Any members of the class who have not yet received blanks should indicate this omission by leaving their names and addresses at the Crimson.
As previously stated, all men leaving at mid-years and class officers should make arrangements at once with Notman's for having their pictures taken. There will be no charge for this service.
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