(The Crimson invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)
To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
May I snatch brief space to reenforce the sentiments expressed indirectly in a CRIMSON editorial Thursday concerning Walter Hampden? The company of which this very worthwhile actor is the leader came into Boston during the Christmas vacation, consequently its plans and whereabouts are not too well known by members of the University. For the remainder of this week it intends to give at the Boston Opera House some of the great plays from Shakespeare, with one or another pieces thrown in for certainly varied and perhaps balanced entertainment. The company although not a notable one is thoroughly creditable and quite capable of furnishing sufficient background for its chieftain. Mr. Hampden plays with careful eye for values studiously attained; all his roles are interesting, but his Hamlet, his Shylock, and his Othello are performances that make one understand why people can go to see Shakespeare, as they would go again and again to hear a Beethoven symphony, and find new pleasure at each venture. In his production of the three plays named Mr. Hampden brings forth those dramatic, thrilling qualities from Shakespeare, that enable him year after year to withstand hardy competition from "The Bat" and "The Hairy Ape" alike. More need not be said! WILLIAM E. HARRIS ('20) 2G.
January 7, 1923.
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