

Both Teams Handicapped by Loss of Consistent Point-Winners--Will Use New Courts Seating Galleries--Team B Journeys to Quincy

Crippled by the loss of A. L. Smith '25, and of Carroll Harrington '24, who are both unable to play on account of illness, the University squash racquets team will meet the Lincoln's Inn Society this afternoon at the University Squash Courts. The Lincoln's Inn Society is the favorite, but is also crippled by the loss of J. H. Douglas 2L, and D. S. Ingalis 3L. This match will be played in the new, large courts, 7 and 14, which have galleries seating 50 people each. The feature match of the afternoon will be between W. P. Dixon '25 and Channing Wakefield 2L, at 2.30 o'clock in Court 14. Wakefield has played good squash all year, winning the University Fall Tournament and losing by only two points to Mr. C. C. Peabody in the Newton Center Tournament. Dixon has been number one on the University team all season, winning the majority of his matches and playing excellent squash. In the number two match Captain E. M. Hinkle '23 will meet Lawrence Foster 2L, at 2.30 o'clock in Court 7. R. P. Rose '25 has been moved from number one on Team B to number three on the University team and J. J. Glessner '25 has been changed to number four on Team A. They will play D. M. Gilmore 3L, and F. W. Crocker 2L., respectively, at 3.30 o'clock on Courts 14 and 7. F. I. Carpenter '24 will play D. P. Kingsley 2L. at 4 o'clock. The Crimson players must make a clean sweep of the match in order to have a chance for the league championship.

Team B will try to hold second place and gain on the Lincoln's Inn Society, the League B leaders, in its match with the Neighborhood Club at Quincy this afternoon. The team is weakened by the loss of Rose and Glessner. The line-up is: number one, R. C. Bostwick '23; number two, E. M. Upjohn '24; number three, E. K. Davis '24; number four, C. P. G. Fuller '23; and number five, Darragh Louderback '24.
