

Status of Island of Rhodes and Opium Traffic to be Considered-16 Nations Will be Represented in Assembly

The Harvard International Assembly, a newly organized student forum for the purpose of free and serious expression of opinion on international questions, will hold its first formal sitting next Wednesday, January 10, at the Liberal Club. Members of the University representing 16 nations will sit in the Assembly.

Patterned in a general way after the famous Oxford International Assembly, this conference is to be in no way a public debate, and is to represent no opinions but those of its members. All formal sittings of the Assembly will be open to the public, and after each sitting will be permitted informal discussion by the audience of the questions considered by the Assembly.

Will Discuss Two Questions

At the initial meeting of the Assembly next Wednesday the questions to be presented and discussed are (1) "The Status of the Island of Rhodes", and (2) "The International Traffic in Opium", S. T. Tyng 3L, representing the United States of America, will be the president for the first question, and B. G. Ohlin 1G., representing Sweden, for the second question. The presidency at successive formal sittings will be held by the members in rotation, the order of rotation to be decided by the Secretariat of the Assembly. A. D. Black '25, F. S. Pollak '23, and J. L. Swayze Jr. '25 make up the personnel of this body.

After the preliminaries of a roll call and the appointment of a Secretary for the sitting, the Committee on Investigation, composed of the representatives of the States involved in a given question, will proceed to present its arguments before the Assembly. The time allotted to any question is not to exceed an hour in all, nor more than 15 minutes for each member of the Committee of Investigation. Following the presentation the member of the Assembly may ask questions on any point of fact.


For the second question to be presented at the same sitting, the same procedure will be observed.

The Assembly will then adjourn for 48 hours. Before the temporary adjournment, the members of the Assembly will choose a Committee on Resolutions for each question, to be composed in each case of the Committee on Investigation and one member not on this committee.

When the Assembly has reconvened, the Committee on Resolutions will present its resolutions to be debated upon by the Assembly. The debate will be closed by a mention and vote of the Assembly.

The complete list of the representatives of the various states has not yet been complied and will be announced later.
