

To Divide Squad Into Relay Teams Which Will Compete With Each Other Through Season

Despite bad weather, 130 candidates, 30 more than last year's initial gathering for the University and 1926 track teams, reported to Coach Farrell yesterday afternoon for the first meeting of the winter track season. Following talks by Coach Farrell and Captain J. W. Burke Jr. '23, the men were sent through a light practice.

In his address to the men, Coach Farrell gave directions for training and but particularly stressed the fact that all would be given equal opportunity. This squad is to be divided up into relay teams which will compete with each other throughout the season. However, only light work will be prescribed until the arrival of Head Coach C. W. Martin on January 12.

With the relay team system in effect, more men are urged to report in order that competition between the teams may be increased. Practice for both the University and 1926 squads will be held daily from now on, and the candidates will be divided as soon as possible into groups to report at regular hours during the afternoon. The indoor board track which was laid last fall, is now entirely settled and is in excellent condition.
