

Mr. C. W. Martin Expected to Return on January 12--Fourteen "H" Men Available--Six Meets for 1926

Winter track practice, which will last for approximately two months, will start for University and 1926 men this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Locker Building. Every man who reports regularly will be retained on the squad and given an opportunity to compete in meets. Practice will be held under the supervision of Coach Farrell until January 12, when Mr. C. W. Martin, the new head coach, is expected to return.

Much is expected of the 14 men who won their "H" last spring in track and also of R. A. Lutz '24, who won his letter in cross-country during the past fall season. There are letter men available for nearly every event, although there is not an over-supply of material for the short dashes.

To Form Short Distance Relay Teams

Short distance relay teams will be made up of sprinters and 300-yard dash men, while long distance teams will be composed of men in the 1000-yard and mile runs. Those who ran the 100 and 220-yard dashes last spring will enter the 300-yard and shorter dashes, while those who formerly competed in the middle distance events will probably enter the 600 and 1000-yard runs. Relay team practice will be particularly stressed during the coming season.

Intensive training for the earlier meets will start immediately. A few men will probably be sent down to the Millrose A. A. games in New York on January 31. The B. A. A. and K. of C. meets in Boston on February 3 and 17, will, however, provide ample opportunity for many men to compete.


Triangular Meet February 24

The first big objective of the season will be the Harvard-Dartmouth-Cornell triangular meet on February 24, which will take place at Mechanics Hall, Boston. The final meet will be the Indoor Intercollegiates to be held at the 102 Engineers' Armory in New York. The events are to be decided by the Executive Committee of the Intercollegiate Amateur Athletic Association of America.

Six meets have been arranged for the 1926 track men, culminating in the Indoor Intercollegiates in New York on March 3. Relay teams will be stressed in Freshman track also.

Any 1926 men who wish to try out for the position of Freshman manager should report at the H. A. A. They will not be handicapped by their late start.
