Plans for the Senior Album have been completed and call for its publication early in May. Work has already been started; the life blanks were mailed yesterday.
In addition to filling these out at once members of the class will greatly facilitate the work by arranging to have their individual pictures taken at Notman's this month. It is especially important that men who expect to finish at mid-years and class officers make an appointment for their photographs immediately. Notman's does not charge the members of the class for this Album service. All photographs must be in the hands of the Committee by February 15.
The price of the 1923 Album, as is customary, will be $9.00 for immediate subscription, and $10.00 for subscription after March 1. If only part payment is made at first, the remainder must be paid by April 1. As no more books than are subscribed for can be ordered, because of the high cost of paper and printing, it is important that men send in their subscriptions with their life blanks immediately.
The Senior Album Committee's office is located in the Crimson Building. Applications for additional life blanks may be made there. Office hours will be held every day except Saturday from 7 to 7.30 o'clock.
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