

Shows That His Deferring of Vengeance Was Not Due to Procrastination, but to Lack of Sufficient Opportunity--Crowd Overflows Sanders Theatre

That Hamlet did not procrastinate in deferring his vengeance on Claudius, was demonstrated by Professor G. L. Kittredge '82 in the last of his lectures on "Five Tragedies of Shakspere" before a crowd which overflowed the seating capacity of Sanders Theatre last night. The basis of his reasoning rested on the conclusion that the hero did not have sufficient opportunity to commit the deed.

"So many people", said Professor Kittredge, "thoughtlessly ask why Hamlet did not plunge a knife into his father's heart early in the play. In the first place, this would conclude the tragedy, and in the second, we find by careful study that the times at which people would have the king disposed of are not real opportunities at all. Hamlet must be morally as well as physically capable of action. Viewing it in this light, therefore, his first chance comes late in the third act when he breaks in on his enemy kneeling in prayer; but of course we, the audience, could not sympathize with one who stabbed his enemy in the back, so the delay is excusable."

Professor Kittredge also showed that Claudius was originally a worthy opponent to Hamlet, but that his lines had been cut to such an extent on the modern stage that he seems comparatively weak. "This," he said in conclusion, "gives us a bad impression of Hamlet, making us wonder why he did not sweep his opponent aside more easily."
