

"The Department of German announces:"-and at the sound all those who have failed in German stand expectant-"two new half courses in Elementary German"-and their hope of salvation grows brighter.

These two courses, German C and D. give a new chance to the man who really wishes to pass his requirement in the language, and mark a change in the attitude of the department.

German C is to be a half-courses starting after mid-years and meeting at 2.30 on Mon., Wed., and Fri. It will be open to all those who desire to begin the study of German in the second half-year, and more especially to those who desire to continue- but are forced to begin again at the beginning. If successful in course C, the student may complete the subject by passing course D (the second half of German A) in the Summer School, or by Mid-years. Moreover, any-one who has had some German and can pass course D with a grade of C, will have satisfied the department of his knowledge of the language.

This system is the most economical and convenient arrangement possible for the student who is really willing to learn; and tutoring bureaus will no longer be the only key to advancement if he has failed in the first part of German A. The very institution of the courses shows that the department is attempting to co-operate with him, and to make the road easier. But- and it will be best for the freshman to realize it now there will never be a "snap course" in elementary German.
