

First-Year Men to Clash With Schoolboy Hockey Team at 3 o'Clock on the Charlesbank Rinks in Close Contest

HARVARD '26  ANDOVER Howe, l.w.  r.w., Rogers Harding, c.  c., Failing Davis, r.w.  l.w., Knight Pratt, l.d.  r.d., Quarrier Martin, r.d.  l.d., Bellion Bradford, g.  g., Prior

The Freshman hockey team, in its game with the Phillips Andover Academy team this afternoon at 3 o'clock on the Charlesbank Rinks, will try to add another victory to its so far perfect record. The 1926 sextet will meet in the academy team its strongest opponent so far this season. Both teams have played Cambridge Latin, the Freshmen winning 3-0 and Andover 3-2.

The Freshmen since Wednesday have had two hard practice sessions, one at the Charlesbank Kinks Thursday, and one at the Arena yesterday. The improvement in teamwork which showed itself in the Browne & Nichols game, has been even more noticeable during the practice.

Andover will bring down a comparatively green team, only one regular returning from last year's combinations. The team is strong on the offence with a fast forward line, but is weak on the defense.
