

Better and Better!

We all like the story side of great discoveries. All the world has been interested in the story of how Newton discovred the law of gravitation by watching an apple fall. And now that Dr. Coue has made a discovery of even greater consequence, because it is the key to human actions, doubtless all the world would like to know just how he stumbled on that, too.

Dr. Cour's miracle-working process of autosuggestion is based on the discovery that whenever the imagination and the will are in conflict it is the imagination which wins. And when we think that over the wonder is that we aren't all Dr. Coues.

Take your own case, for instance. Why didn't you make that world-moving discovery when you had so many chances? Just call to mind the cookie jar in your boyhood home. Remember how earnestly and often you vowed that you would never again raid that cookie jar. And you were a good, honest boy, too. Yet every time you saw that cookie jar you tasted its contents in imagination. No one will ever know how manfully your will power fought against your imagination, no one but yourself can realize how heroically you strove to be all your mother had convinced you ought to be. Yet, in the end, you got a cookie and a whipping.

One of the tremendous blessings the Coue theory may bring about is better understanding of children. James Whitcomb Riley declared he thought children were always good if they were only understood, and he was right. The most natural of human desires is to merit approval, yet failure to properly cultivate and develop that desire is responsible for a great part of the world's misery.

In fact, there isn't any part of human notivity, from babyhood to the finish, which Dr. Cone's discovery, so simple that any of us might just as well have made it, doesn't give us the chance to greatly improve. And so all of us countless millions who time after time tumble over the discovery without stumbling on it would like to know just how he happened to see if and pick it up. And, if anyone is offering odds, wouldn't you like to wager a little that it all sprang out of a cookie jar incident or something very like it? -Los Angeles Times


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