

To Hold Second Meeting in Faculty Room of Union at 7.15 o'Clock--Announce Three Changes in Procedure Since First Meeting

Tomorrow evening at 7.15 o'clock in the Faculty Room of the Union the Harvard Debating Union composed of the Progressive and Conservative Clubs will hold its second debate on the question of the Jones Ship Subsidy Bill. At this meeting Assistant Dean David M. Little '18 will preside.

H. C. Lodge Jr. '24 and Oliver La Farge '24, representing the Conservative Club, will speak first for the passage of the bill. In reply F. A. O. Schwarz '24, and J. D. DuBois '24 of the Progressive Club will oppose the measure. When these speakers have concluded the meeting will be thrown open for general participation both by members of the respective clubs and by men from the floor.

There have been three changes in procedure since the first debate. The first concerns the system of voting. At the first debate there was but one vote taken on the question, that coming at the end of the speaking. In the present instance there will be two votes taken, one before and one after the speaking, in an effort to determine, if possible, the effectiveness of the arguments presented during the course of the evening. The second change relates to the provision that at the conclusion of the debate from the floor, the floor leaders of each club will summarize the arguments in support of their respective cases. Finally, the speakers may be questioned, within certain limits, while on the floor.
