

Men Wishing Assistance in Handling Work Should Apply to M. A. Best, Dunster 26--Will Receive Advice Rather Than Actual Tutoring

The Phi Beta Kappa Tutoring Bureau, designed to aid undergraduates who are having difficulties with their studies, has been organized for the current year. This service which is not actual tutoring in special courses but which consists in advice about reading, taking notes, and general assistance in the arrangement and handling of studies, is entirely voluntary on the part of the members of the society and is given without charge.

All students who desire such help are urged to apply to the Chairman of the Bureau, M. A. Best '23 at Dunster 26 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays between 5 and 6 o'clock. Each applicant will be assigned to a member of the society qualified to help him in the particular field of study with which he is having difficulty. Consultations will then he held as often as the advisor thinks desirable. If it is felt that the student needs detailed tutoring in a specific course, a professional tutor will be recommended.

Letters have been sent to the regular student advisors urging them to bring their advisees needing assistance into contact with the Bureau, but students desiring help need not wait for this action on the part of their regular advisors.
