

Hockey Scrubs Open Season on School Rink--Line-Up Not Yet Definite--Teams Handicapped by Weather

The second University hockey team will journey today to Andover, to face the Phillips Andover Academy sextet, in the first contest of the year for Coach Wilson's scrubs. The second team has been somewhat handicapped by the poor condition of the ice on the Charlesbank rinks, but its work so far gives promise that it will be able to give an excellent account of itself against the schoolboys. The line-up of the Crimson team has not yet been definitely decided. Coach Wilson will take 11 men with him, however, and it is probable that all of these will take part in the contest. Dole is almost certain to start at goal, while Bohlen at defence, and Nichols, Peirson and Gibb in the forward line seem to be logical starters.
