Head Coach C. W. Martin, arriving yesterday afternoon to take charge of winter track at the University, spent the first afternoon in supervising a light individual workout for each man in an effort to gain a personal acquaintance with every member of the squad. To accommodate the large number of University and 1926 men, Coach Martin announced that he would be at the Locker Building every day except Saturday from 10-12 o'clock in the morning, and in the afternoon from 1.30 o'clock till the end of regular practice. On Saturdays he will be down only at the regular hours from 11-1 o'clock. The head coach, however, will be glad to make special arrangements with men for times other than those announced, and is especially anxious to meet the quarter-milers together if it can be arranged.
Today, workouts for half-milers will be held, while the first of next week, time trials will be determine the classification of relay teams. Both University and Freshman training tables will start on Monday with additions made from time to time as a result of trials.
There will be a meeting of the executive and advisory committees of the I. C. A. A. A. A. at Columbia University, New York City at 5 o'clock tomorrow at which the University will be represented by C. V. Chandler '23, manager of the track team, and by R. C. Floyd '11, who managed the Crimson runners in his Senior year and is now a member of the advisory committee. The primary question to be discussed is whether or not the 35-pound weight throw will be one of the events in the coming I. C. A. A. A. A. meet which is scheduled to take place in New York on March 3
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