Plans for six new buildings to be added to the Graduate School of Business Administration have been drawn, although actual arrangements for their erection have not yet been completed. Three new dormitories, the most pressing need of the school are planned in order to increase the number of students to 1000, since the 500 now in the school are rooming in scattered districts of Cambridge, Boston, aud suburbs. There will also be one new administration building of which the Business School is also in great need, while two new laboratories, one for the Bureau of Business Research, and one to accommodate the accounting, statistical, and industrial managements will complete the list of six.
For a long time it has been realized that the great defect in the Business School has been its lack of central organization due not to any defect in management, but to a lack of accommodating facilities. The enforced scattered distribution of students has greatly hampered the work of the school.
Approximately $3,000,000 will be necessary for this new plant, but in view of the drain on the public incurred by recent campaigns for endowment funds and other causes, it has been decided not to launch a campaign, but to depend on personal donations to raise the required money.
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