The fall tennis tournament will begin Thursday or Friday of next week, and not on Tuesday as formerly intended, the management has announced. Entries will close Monday at 2 o'clock, as was previously stated. The drawings will be posted at Leavitt and Peirce's Monday afternoon, but postals will not be mailed to the players.
Last year 216 men entered the singles. Captain Morris Duane '23, who won the Jackson cup last year, is not to be here this fall. Among the many good players now in the University are: W. W. Ingraham '25, last year's Freshman captain, semi-finalist in last year's singles tournament, and winner with Duane of last year's doubles; E. T. Herndon 2G.B., finalist in last year's singles and Princeton captain of two years ago; R. N. Bradley ocC., semifinalist last year with three years' experience on the University team; F. M. Bundy 2G.B., former Yale player; and D. P. Robinson 2G.B., former University player.
Freshmen and Sophomores are called out for the fall tennis manager competition, which gives valuable experience for the spring competition.
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