

Entry List Now Open--Winner of Singles Will Hold Jackson Cup for Year--Seven Veterans on Hand as Nucleus for Business School Team

Entries for the annual fall tennis tournament, in singles and doubles, will close Monday at 2 o'clock, it was announced yesterday by the tennis management. Any men wishing to enter the tournament should sign up immediately at Leavitt and Peirce's. There is no entrance fee. The drawings will be posted late Monday afternoon and play will begin Tuesday afternoon October 3.

Gold medals will be awarded to the winners of both singles and doubles tournaments, while the winner of the former event will hold the Jackson Cup for one year.

No Business School Tournament

Abandoning the plan tried last year, there will be no special Business School tournament this fall. The Management of the Business School tennis team however, urges all men who are able, to enter the regular University tournament.

A Business School team will, however, be organized this fall and will have matches with the University net-men and several outside teams. As a nucleus for this team, a number of last year's squad have returned, including Captain E. V. Herndon 2G. B. F. McG. Bundy 2G.B., H. M. Stevens 2G. B. R. R. Thompson 2G. B., C. P. Tenneson 2G. B., Dwight Robinson 2G. B., and W. G. Bottimore 2G. B. Any Business School Library in Widener immediately
