For information about rooms and boarding places, for maps of the College Yard and vicinity, all circulars, and pamphlets; students should apply to the Information Bureau, Phillips Brooks, House.
For information concerning admission to Harvard College, application should be made to the Chairman of the Committee on Admission, University Hall, north entry, second floor, room 20.
For information about Harvard College students should apply at the office of the Dean, south entry, University Hall, first floor, room 4.
For information concerning the choice of courses by students in the College, application should be made at the office of the Committee on choice of Electives, Mr. E. A. Whitney, Secretary, Office hours, Monday, 9-1, University 18, north entry, second floor; 2-5, University 2a; Tuesday, 10-12.30 and 2.30-4.30, University 2a.
Engineering School at Pierce
Information concerning the Engineering School may be had at the office of the Dean, 223 Pierce Hall, second floor.
For information concerning the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences students should apply at the office of the Dean and Secretary of the School in University Hall, north entry, third floor, rooms 23 and 24.
For information about fees, bonds, and payments, application should be made to the Bursar's office in the Delta, Kirkland St., in the rear of Memorial Hall (hours 9-5, Saturday, 9-1).