

Bulk of Work Expected in Next Few Days--Particulars in Regard to Rooms and Room-Mates -- Inspected 355 Houses During Summer

The Phillips Brooks House Information Service, of which Lawrence Rose '23 is in charge and which has been supplying information to new students at the University since Monday, September 11, is expecting the bulk of its work during the remaining days of this week and the early part of next. During this time two members of the College, one Law School man, and one student in the Graduate School who is an instructor in the University will be at the Phillips Brooks House to furnish all possible information in regard to rooms and room-mates, and to direct men to the correct places for further information in regard to University work or life.

During July a canvass of possible boarding houses in Cambridge was made and a tentative list of 355 places was drawn up. These houses were inspected by M. H. Harris '24 and graded according to light, ventilation, furnishings, building, and environment. A few more houses have recently been added to the July list and information in regard to some 425 rooming houses may now be obtained. A list of apartments with housekeeping facilities has also been compiled.

Service in Providing Room-mates

The Information Service is also endeavoring to find room-mates for new men who desire to room with some one this year and is keeping a register for all new men arriving, in order that men from the same locality or school may be able to find one another.

Provision is also being made for new students who have not yet secured rooms and who wish to leave their baggage at the Phillips Brooks House or have their mail directed there.
