

Places Left Vacant by Deans Whitney and Murdock Will be Taken by Mr. Little and Mr. Leighton

Several changes in the Dean's office, including three new appointments,, have been made for next year, it was announced last night by the University authorities. Assisstant Dean E. A. Whitney '17, has been appointed Secretary of the Committee on Electives, to take the place of Professor G. H. Edgell '09, who was recently chosen Dean of the School of Architecture. Dean of the School of Architecture. Dean K. B. Murdock '16, after several years of service as assistant dean, will resign for one year to give his full time to graduate study. The places left vacant by Deans Whitney and Murdock will be taken by Mr. D. M. Little Jr. '18, and Mr. Delmar Leighton '19.

Assistant Dean Little is now executive secretary of the Endowment Fund. Returing from war service as an ensign in the Navy he became graduate manager on Union, and after a year in this position took his present place with the Endowment Fund organization. He is also an assistant in English and is engaged in graduate study.

Assistant Den Leighton is now a secon-year student at the Business School. During the war he served first inb the Navy and then with the Marines, and saw overseas services as a second lieutenant.

Dean Little will have charge of Freshmen next year, Dean P. P. Chase '00 of Sophomores, and Dean Leighton of Juniors and Seniors. Dean E. R. Gay '19 will continue in charge of the records of the college office.
