Assignments of Class Day Spread spaces in the Yard for both clear and ralny weather were announced last night. The chairmen of the organizations listed are asked to notify the chairman of the Class Day Committee at once of the number of chairs they wish to use.
The complete list of assignments is as follows:
Zeta Beta Tau, West of Fogg or Sever 7 and 8; Phi Kappa Epsilon, Dane Triangle South or Sever 24; Private, F.T. Pratt, Rear of Hollis or Harvard 3; Speakers' Club, Wadsworth Lawn or Sever 1, 2,5, and 6; K. G. X., Rear of Holworthy or Sever 13 and 19; St. Paul's Catholic Club, Rear of Holden Chapel or Holden Chapel; Private, R. Skinner Rear Matthews Hall or Harvard 2; Argo Club, East of Fogg or Sever 23.
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