Below is printed the schedule of events for today in case the rain continues. All Seniors, graduates, and undergraduates are requested to bear the following points in mind:
1. Unless it is raining hard Senior processions will form as usual.
2. Rain or shine, there will be no change in the program of events up to 1.00 o'clock, except that the processions will not form.
3. Watch the bulletin boards in Leavitt and Pierce's and at the '77 Lodge Gate.
4. In case it stops raining the regular program will be followed thereafter.
5. The regular Yard tickets will admit to events marked with a star below.
8.30 A. M.--First Bugle Call.
8.50 A. M.--Second Bugle call.
9.00 A. M.--Seniors report at Appleton Chapel for the address by Colonel Woods.
10.15 A. M.--Sanders Theatre will be open to ticket holders.
10.45 A. M.--Sanders Theatre will be closed to all but Seniors.
*10 to 1.--Music in New Lecture Hall--Yard tickets.
2.00 P. M.--Gates will be closed and tickets required of all persons found in the Yard and all who enter thereafter.
*2.00 to 3.45 P. M.--Music in Memorial Hall.
*2.00 to 5.30 P. M.--Music in Sanders Theatre.
*2.00 to 5.45 P. M.--Music in Fogg Lecture Room.
3.30 P. M.--Seniors assemble in Sever 11 for the Tree exercises.
4.00 P. M.--The Ivy Oration will be given in Sanders Theatre and New Lecture Hall. Rainy Day checks will be given preference for admission, but Stadium tickets will be used as far as possible. All Seniors report at Sanders Theatre.
*6.30 to 11 P. M.--Music in Sanders Theatre.
*6.45 to 11 P. M.--Music in Fogg Lecture Room.
*7.30 to 11 P. M.--Music in New Lecture Hall.
8.00 to 11 P. M.--Dancing in Memorial Hall and the Gymnasium.
9.00 to 11 P. M.--Glee Club sings in New Lecture Hall.
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