

Finals to be Held in Courses Offered by Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Engineering School--All Will be Three Hours in Length

The following examinations in courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences will be given today and tomorrow. All examinations, unless otherwise specified, will begin at 9.15. EXAMINATIONS TODAY Chemistry 19  Emerson J Chemistry 22  Emerson J Economics 34  Emerson J Engin. Sciences 3  Pierce 302, 307 Engin. Sciences 3b  Robinson Fine Arts 10s  Robinson French' 8  Emerson D Government 2b  Emerson D Government 2b  Emerson D History 38  Emerson F Indic Philology 9  Emerson A Music 1  Emerson A Physics 17 hf  Emerson F Zoology 7c  Huesey Inet. 6 P. M. English 59 hf  Sever 5 Engineering School Engineering 30 (Eng'g Sc. 3)  Pierce 302, 307 Engineering 224 (Phys. 17)  Emerson F EXAMINATIONS TOMORROW Astronomy 5  Astron. Lab Economics 39  Emerson A French 2 Mr. Lincoln's sect. 7  Sever 5 Mr. Raiche's sect. 5  Sever 6 Mr. Hutchings's sect. 3  Sever 23 Mr. Hutchings's sect. 9  Sever 24 Mr. Torrey's sect. 12  Sever 36 Mr. Gifford's sects. 2. 10  Emerson D Mr. Sexton's sects. 4. 11  Emerson D Mr. Gilligan's sect. 1  Emerson F Mr. Holmee's sects. 5, 13  Emerson J Dr. Washburn's sect. 6  Emerson J German 36  Sever 13 History 37  Sever 36 Philosophy 15  Emerson A Social Ethics 28  Emerson D
